The sales team at STEVENSWOOD® is the heart of our operations. A diverse group of skilled professionals, each member brings a unique blend of expertise, creativity, and passion to the table. United by our commitment to excellence, we strive to innovate and excel in every aspect of our work. From the meticulous craftsperson on the factory floor to our visionary leaders, our team is dedicated to delivering quality products and exceptional service. Together, we are more than just a workforce; we are a community, driven by the shared goal of making StevensWood synonymous with reliability and cutting-edge craftsmanship.
Employee of Stevens for 40+ years. When not working he enjoys spending time with family or you may find him cruising through the countryside in his jeep. Outside of work and family Jeff is an avid fisherman and hunter. In the community he lives in he is an Advocate and Sponsor for youth fishing opportunities, High School Bass Fishing Coach, President of local bass fishing club and Chairman of Fisheries Committee for Lake Sara.
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